06 21 553 271 | info@bloombridge.nl   

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Buying your next home

Would you like to move and are you already living in your own home? Then we call that ‘moving on’ to the next house. You can use any surplus value to buy a new home so that you don’t have to draw on any equity or can buy a more expensive home.

Or you can use your surplus-value to absorb double monthly costs for a period when your new home still needs to be built or renovated.

As a seller, you have the choice of selling your house first and then buying a new one, or the other way around, buying a new house first before selling your current one.

The advantage of the first option is that any surplus value is known, and you know exactly what you can spend on a new home. A disadvantage is that you risk being without a house when you have not yet found a new home and already have to leave your current one.

The second option offers you the opportunity to look for your next home in a relaxed manner. The disadvantage is that a fixed surplus value is considered. In reality, this may be lower or higher. You also risk owning two homes for a while and therefore having to pay two mortgages.

In order to calculate the scenario outlined above, Bloombridge offers you the option of determining the excess value as accurately as possible in advance. We also provide the facility to finance an extra budget in case of double housing costs.

Do you need a clear overview to take the next step? We will gladly provide you with an explanation.

Your advisor explains

An increasingly common decision is to keep the current home as an investment for the future. It is important that your situation remains financially correct and fiscally sound. No one likes to be surprised by the tax authorities when you think you have properly taken care of things.

Anne-Fleur Schotema
06 21553271
ma – vr - 8:30 – 18:00 uur

QR Bloombridge